
Ford's Court Choice...

THE RESIGNATION last week of Justice William O. Douglas marks the end of a fine career. Within the context of the American political climate during his 36 years on the bench, the longest term ever served by a Supreme Court Justice, Douglas established a reputation as a strong defender of freedom of thought and expression. In everything he did, from granting a stay of execution to the Rosenbergs in 1953, to affirming The New York Times's right to publish the Pentagon Papers in 1971, he has consistently supported the First Amendment. His opinions were always distinguished by a concern for the direct consequences of Supreme Court decisions on the daily lives of Americans.

In choosing Douglas's successor, President Ford should resist right-wing political pressure. As he is the first president to have the political opportunity to name a woman to the bench, Ford should appoint a left-leaning woman to Douglas's vacant seat. Choosing a conservative would only further strengthen the reactionary strain spawned by Richard Nixon within the court.


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