
4 Harvard Grads Appointed to Panel To Investigate CIA

Four Harvard graduates, including a former dean of the Law School, are among the eight men named by President Ford Sunday to a commission investigating charges that the Central Intelligence Agency conducted illegal domestic surveillances.

The commission is drawing increasing protests from the Congress and civil liberties groups, who charge that it is dominated by establishment, government-oriented white males with no concern for civil liberties.

Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis.) called the panel "one-sided" as it contains no "champion of civil liberties," and said "the issue here is the CIA tampering with the civil liberties of American citizens."

Erwin N. Griswold, dean of the Harvard Law School from 1946 to 1967 and a member of the United States Civil Rights Commission from 1961 to 1967, was cited by Proxmire as the only member of the commission with a demonstrated concern for civil rights.

John T. Connor, a member of the Law School class of 1939, and presently chief executive of Allied Chemical Corporation, said yesterday that he "recognizes the importance of civil rights, as well as the possible problem of the CIA extending its authority," and said he expects the commission to do "a competent and comprehensive job."


Edgar F. Shannon, who studied at the Graduate School of Arts and Science for two years and taught in the English Department from 1950 to 1956, said he approached the investigation "very openminded and unbiased," and said he is confident that "that will be the attitude of everyone else."

C. Douglas Dillon '31, Secretary of the Treasury from 1960 to 1965, was unavailable for comment about his appointment to the panel.
