
Crimson Thinclads to Battle Tough Northeastern Trackmen

The Crimson Thinclads will face their first challenge of the New Year tomorrow as they go against an untested Northeastern team at Briggs Cage.

Looking to avenge Harvard's loss to Army, coach Bill McCurdy said yesterday he hopes to "beef up the running events, where we're short on depth and talent" in an attempt to cut Northeastern's predicated strength.

Harvard's contenders in the running events are led by junior Bill Okermann in the mile run, who took second behind Army standout Dennis Trujillo at West Point. Jim Keefe and Bill Muller look strong in the two mile. Joel Peters, who captured the 600 yd. dash against Army--the lone Crimson first in the running events--and Larry Schember, who placed second in the 60 yd. dash at the same meet, complete Harvard's hopes on the track.

In the field events, a traditional Crimson stronghold, co-captain Blayne Heckel looks to repeat his triumph against Army in the pole vault. The Crimson will get added depth from Don Berg and Steve Haines, all of whom have cleared over 15 feet.

In the high jump, Mel Embree, who placed 7th in the NCAA last year, will try to improve his 6 ft. 8 in. win at Army, and attempt to duplicate his 7 ft. 1 in. record set earlier against B.C. John McCullough and Danny Sullivan should provide depth in the event.


Dan Jiggetts and co-captain Steve Niemi will handle the weight toss for the Crimson, while Chris Queen will team up with Jiggetts for the shot put.

Ahmed Kayali will complete in the long and triple jump, getting strong backup from Heckel and Embree, respectively.

The meet should be very similar to the one against Army, although Northeastern is rumored to have a little more strength in the field events. The thinclads are "charged up," according to McCurdy, and are looking to start the year with a victory.

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