

Ariadne auf Naxos. Another Lowell House Opera--cast and orchestra of thousands for an expansive score by Richard Strauss. Gerry Moshell, conducting. A required piece for all musical romantics, they say. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 8:30 in the Lowell House Dining Hall.

Ceremonies in Dark Old Men is by Lonne Elder, a black playwright who's supposed to be one of the most promising playwrights around--at least, this play was very well received in New York a few years back. I haven't seen it or read it, though, so I can't say for sure. This weekend and next, 7:30 at the Loeb Ex, where things are always free but you sometimes need tickets in advance.

The City Center Acting Company from New York City is doing three plays at Brandeis this week--Anton Chekhov's The Three Sisters (Saturday), John Gay's The Beggar's Opera (tomorrow), and William Shakespeare's Measure for Measure (today, with an extra performance at 11:30 this morning). It's a good company, and they're all good plays. 8:30 p.m., Spingold Theater at Brandeis.

Keep Your Pantheon. Love among the ruins. 7:30 at the Hasty Pudding Club.

The Lost and Forgotten Society. Appropriately enough, any elaboration in the announcement some obliging person sent us seems to have been lost and forgotten. However, I see from the ad where it's an original play presented by an outfit called Community House. Sunday and Monday, 7:30 in Sanders Theater.


The Paper Waste is the Law School Drama Society's "new musical comedy about a faded Hollywood studio's efforts to film the 'ultimate' expose of life at law school." Any resemblance to real studios living or dead is presumably coincidental. This weekend and next, 8 p.m. in the Pound Building at the Law School.

Talent Unlimited. I guess that's the title. "Dance concert, talent unlimited, H.S., New York poetry, music, dances," the announcement explains. "Recitations of Currier House students included." It's free, anyhow. Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Currier House Fishbowl.

There'll be A Tribute to the Farah Workers, with Denise Levertov the poet and the Brandeis Chorus and Symphony, Sunday at 8:30 in the Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury Street in Boston. $2 donation, with proceeds to the Farah strike relief fund.

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