
City Clerk Offers Proposal to Raise Council's Salaries

The Cambridge city clerk last night introduced a proposal to award city councilors their second pay raise in the last 22 years at the Cambridge City Council meeting.

The increase, proposed by clerk Paul Haley, would raise the councilors' current salaries of $6500 to $10,000. The council will vote on the proposal at its meeting December 30.

Councilor Saundra M. Graham said last night that the increase was justified because it would help to cover expenses incurred while she was performing her duties as a councilor.

Council David A. Wylie submitted an order last night creating an arts advisory council to the city, composed of Cambridge residents experienced in some form of artistic expression. The resolution was approved unanimously by the council.

Wylie said the council will "stimulate public awareness of and support for the arts" by sponsoring festivals and celebrations, commissioning works of art and creating employment opportunities in the arts.
