
Steiner Writes Radical Union, Responding to Group's Demand

Daniel Steiner '54, general counsel to the University, this week sent a letter to the Harvard Radical Union responding to its members' demand for the cancellation of the University's student files law guidelines.

In the letter to Richard Scotch, a graduate student and spokesman for the union, Steiner writes that the group should discuss the matter with Dean Rosovsky, whose office drew up the guidelines.

Union members last week sent a letter to President Bok calling on him to cancel the old guidelines and draw up new ones at an open meeting with students.

The University's guidelines for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences do not comply with "the letter and the spirit of the law," according to the union members' letter.

Under these guidelines, GSAS documents about students will be destroyed if those who have prepared them under the assumption of confidentiality refuse to allow the statements to stand in the files or if the persons cannot be reached.
