

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

I graduated from Harvard College in June 1972. I spent this year on a teaching fellowship in Greece at a school called Athens College -- actually it's a high school -- learning to teach, working in the boarding department, doing some independent teaching, coaching basketball, learning the language and doing extensive traveling through Greece on holidays and "three-day weekends."

I was recently arrested for carrying a sign which advocated a "NO" vote in Mr. Papdopoulos' "free and democratic" referendum. I decided to carry the sign to try and show the American public what a sham the election was. Mr. Papadopoulos staged a massive propaganda campaign for a "Yes" vote on radio. T.V., and with posters everywhere you looked. At the same time no permission was given for radio or T.V. time for opposing views and it was against the law to put up (or carry) signs advocating a "No" vote. These rather blunt tactics seem to be an attempt to fool the world and the U.S. in particular into thinking that Papadopoulos is restoring democracy in Greece and that he has the Greek people behind him. He relies on our ignorance and apathy for the continued support of America in his totalitarian endeavors. Without our help it is very questionable whether Mr. Papadopoulos and his ideas would control the Greek people. Tim Bilodeau '72
