

Laos. One by one, the dominoes are falling. A French news agency revealed earlier this week that the left-wing Pathet Lao and the U.S.-supported Royal Lao government are winding up negotiations on a formal settlement of their decadelong struggle.

The projected agreement assigns 80 per cent of Laos to the Pathet Lao and gives them widely expanded influence within a coalition government.

The United States subverted a previous settlement of the Laotian struggle ten years ago, inaugurating a period of renewed warfare that witnessed Pathet Lao advances despite continuous American aerial bombardment.

Once again, the death and destruction wrought by the military have failed even measured against the perverted standards of the American government. Revolution in Laos will succeed despite strenuous American attempts to thwart it.

Argentina. It sounds good at first. Argentinians of all political persuasions this week blasted some documents produced by a functionary at the American embassy which warned that some legislation facing the Peronist-dominated Legislature would hurt foreign investment and threaten the long-term interests of Argentina.

The Argentinian left, right and center united in condemning the documents, which were made public, as an unwarranted interference into the country's internal affairs. Does this mean all Argentina opposes imperialism?


Hardly. The rich and the right just want their own cut of the take. In neighboring Chile, for example, all parties voted for companero President Allende's expropriation of the American copper interests-the right, because it hopes to control the mines itself; the left, because it wants the Chilean people to guide production and distribution.

In Argentina, much the same situation seems to prevail. Peron is actually moving to the right, relying on his conservative advisers and jettisoning the left-wing support that played such an important role in bringing him back to power.

Don't be fooled by slogans and rhetoric.
