
Four Women Will Study Here As Nieman Fellows Next Year

The Nieman Foundation announced last week that twelve people--including four women--have been selected to the 36th class of Nieman Fellows.

The twelve will take a year off from journalism and study in any part of the University next year. No women are in the present class of Niemans.

The Fellowships were established through the bequest of Agnes W. Nieman in memory of her husband, Lucius W. Nieman, the founder of the Milwaukee Journal.

The new Fellows were selected by a committee whose members were: Charles W. Bailey, editor of The Minneapolis Tribune; Richard Dudman, Washington Bureau Chief of The St. Louis Post-Dispatch; and, Do ph C. Simons Jr., president of the Lawrence, Kan., Daily Journal-World.

Also: Doris H. Kearns, assistant professor of Government; William M. Pinkerton, assistant to the vice president for Government and Community Affairs; and, James C. Thomson, curator of the Nieman Fellowships.


The new Niemans are: Shirley Christian, the United Nations correspondent for Associated Press; Ned A. Cline, a political reporter for the Greensboro, N.C. Daily News; Nicholas Daniloff, an editor for United Press International; and, Ronald Gollobin, a reporter for the New Brunswick N.J. Home News.

Also selected were: Ellen H. Goodman '63, a columnist for The Boston Globe; Whitney M. Gould, a reporter for the Capitol Times of Madison, Wis.; Edwin P. Hudgins, City Editor of the Gainsville, Ga., Times; and, Morton M. Kondracke, a reporter for The Chicago Sun-Times.

Also: Stephen D. Northrup, a photographer for Time, Inc.; Patricia O'Brien Koval, a reporter for The Chicago Sun-Times, Gregor W. Pinney, education reporter for The Minneapolis Tribune; and, Hollie I. West, reporter for The Washington Post.

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