
J.V.s Swamp Tufts In No-Hit Contest

Sophomore pitcher Nils Nilson struck out the side in the seventh and final inning of Saturday's JV baseball game against Tufts, and when the last strike was called, Nilson had himself a no-hitter. It was his fifteenth strikeout of the game as only three Jumbos reached base while the Crimson batters were driving home 11 runs.

The 11-0 win was the second for Nilson and the seventh for the JVs against one loss. Nilson also has two saves and an earned run average of 0.54.

Sandy Miley singled, stole second and third and scored on an infield out in the first to give Nilson the only run he needed. Nils also helped himself out at the plate as he drove in two runs in the five-run fourth inning to put the game out of reach.

The three Jumbos who reached base got there by virtue of a hit batsman in the first, an error in the second and a lone walk in the sixth. There were only two well hit balls that could have spoiled the no hitter.

Peter Talbot made a nice catch in right field in the first inning and a great charging stab of the ball by shortstop Steve Long in late innings saved the no-hitter for Nilson. The Crimson, meanwhile, had little trouble getting hits off the hapless Tufts pitching staff.


JV coach Buddy Mahar summed up Nilson's performance quickly and neatly: "He was great." Nilson on the other had had a little more to say about the game.

"I didn't really think about the no-hitter until the seventh inning," he said. "And then I threw as hard as I could. It doesn't matter that this is just the jayvees, I still try to throw my best and hardest."

President Bok was in attendance at the game and congratulated Nilson personally.
