

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

Disclose, cries the ACSR, A rare triumph for truth and justice achieved institutionally. Then, the crash of reality. The institutional amoeba has engulfed the problem. Let the inflamation subside; heal with anesthesiology.

Of course the ACSR is meaningless. Harvard's role in society has not changed. For example, Harvard willingly pockets its annual many millions from the oil companies that continue the conquest of North America (from the Eskimos, now) and the rest of the world.

Harvard's first goal remains financial security, to insure its own life span and sphere of influence. The student is ephemeral. The tenured staff needs a home to return to after vacations in D.C., Mexico, or wherever Nobels are awarded.

Before trying to conserve others, one must conserve oneself. And Harvard is definitely a conservative institution. Don't you let me forget it. Jim Kulikowski, '75-76
