
Retirement Plan Shudders Along


The Faculty encountered scheduling difficulties Tuesday as an extended debate of retirement procedures forced postponement of a planned vote on calendar revision.

In the first of its two May meetings the Faculty did find time to vote on several changes in the retirement plan, but, after some discussion, it also decided to delay until next Fall consideration of more controversial sections of the proposed alterations.

However, the motion to adopt an "early semester" calendar in Fall 1974 will be the first subject taken up by the Faculty in its next meeting on May 15. The schedule proposal was at the bottom of Tuesday's agenda and was the only item not discussed.

Early in the meeting President Bok announced the appointment of Henry Rosovsky, Taussig Professor of Economics, as the new permanent dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. At the end of Bok's brief speech, the 140 Faculty members present responded with wide grins of approval and 15 seconds of loud applause.

Several minutes later the Faculty unanimously approved a Docket Committee recommendation that no final votes be taken on several sections of the retirement plan. These aspects of the plan will probably be affected by revisions of the University pension plan which will be proposed next Fall.


The Faculty did officially approve several motions Tuesday, including one which prohibits Faculty members over 66 from holding any administrative position, save under exceptional circumstances, or from voting in departmental recommendations for appointment or policy.

The Faculty also established a "senior professor" category for professors over 70.

Now that its own schedule has been revised, the Faculty will discuss and probably vote on changing the academic calendar. But a simple call for the necessary quorum of 129 professors may block calendar revision now that the retirement plan debate is over and the older professors have returned again to their labs and Widener offices.
