
HSA Fired General Manager, But Alleged That He Resigned

The Board of Directors of Harvard Student Agencies fired Andrew W. Nelson as HSA's general manager last February, although the Board said at that time that Nelson resigned from his post.

HSA's Board of Directors announced on February 22 that Nelson resigned for reasons of poor health and would be replaced as general manager by Bradlee T. Howe '63, director of the Student Employment Office.

No Resignation

However, in a letter to The Crimson dated May 1, Nelson says, "Please be advised that my resignation was never submitted to the Board nor to Mr. Jewett."

L. Fred Jewett '57, dean of Admissions and HSA board member, said yesterday, "Mr. Nelson, to the best of my knowledge, did not resign."


Arthur I. Segel '73, last year's president of HSA, said yesterday that HSA had asked Nelson to resign because he rarely showed up for work.

HSA felt that health problems were keeping Nelson from doing his job, Segel said.

Nelson said yesterday that he has had chronic headaches since a 1971 back operation. He said that because of these headaches he came in "either for a half day or not at all" for the first two months of this year.

"It would have been nice if [HSA and Nelson] could have affected a leave of absence arrangement," Nelson said. He said that he is going into the hospital soon for treatment of his headache condition.

Nelson said he does not have other employment and will not be able to look for any until after his hospital stay. He said that uncertainty about his relationship with Harvard would hamper him in any job search.

The Board's statement which announced Nelson's resignation was intended to help Nelson with any future job applications, Segel said.

Jewett said yesterday that at the time of Nelson's departure, "There was no indication that there was going to be any resolution of his Illness, or that he was going into the hospital."

Nelson will remain on the University payroll until June 30 but will perform no duties for HSA. Both Harvard and HSA had been paying Nelson before March 1.

Financial Move

Nelson said yesterday that one of the reasons he lost his job was so that the University could save money. He said that a general manager who was already a University employee would not require as much in additional salary as Nelson was being paid altogether.
