
Harvard Linksmen Vie This Weekend For Eastern Title

The Harvard golf team will travel to Penn State today to compete in the Eastern Championships this weekend. Awaiting the Crimson linksmen will be 25 to 28 schools including the host, Penn State, who promises to give Harvard and exciting 36-hole match.

Coach Bob Harrison, however, is optimistic about the golfers' chances. "There are quite a few good teams there," he said yesterday, "but if we play the type of game that the kids can play we'll do well."

En route to Pennsylvania today will be Arthur Burke, Skip Berry, Steve McConnell, Quinn Smith and Tom Yellin. The quintet will face its stiffest competition against Penn State, whose record so far is 12-2.

"Penn State would have to be favored," Harrison said. "The two important factors are that they are a great team and that it's their home course."
