

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

Instead of destroying Hunt Hall, the University should reconsider the demolition of Memorial Hall. While the little, rotund building is a discreet and moderately useful structure, the great brick pile nearby is an offensively obvious one with only occasional utility. Memorial Hall's solitary merit, beyond the fact that it is there, is the negative virtue of its extraordinary, consummate ugliness.

If, as one commentator said, Hunt Hall is "a thumb in the eye" of the Yard, then Memorial Hall must be the wart on its nose.

So why not save Hunt Hall and eliminate that other, proximate scourge of the skyline? A more ample and challenging site would certainly be provided thereby. A memorial auditorium could be incorporated in a dormitory design and, beyond the urban design possibilities, a magnificent opportunity to create a unifying architectural focal point would present itself. James E. Lee
