

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson:

We are not lawyers, and we express no opinion on whether the Graduate School of Design may show the film Casablanca, but we cannot let the unmitigated twaddle of James A. Sharaf '59 pass unchallenged.

According to the Crimson (April 27), Mr. Sharaf said, "It's obvious that Casablanca was not going to be shown for educational purposes."

Not so fast, Jim. All showings of Casablanca are for educational purposes.

Art is not educational? The noblest deeds of man are not educational? Their expression in the most sublime film ever made is not educational?


Why, might as well say the world will never welcome lovers!

Mr. Sharaf strikes us as a man who would pass up an introduction to Ilsa Lund in favor of an evening with chancery cases. A man who wouldn't recognize a beautiful friendship if he tripped over one. A man, in short, whose heart is his least vulnerable spot. Peter C. Berg '68
