
Satch Sanders to Head Harvard Hoop

Tom "Satch" Sanders is the new head varsity basketball coach, The Crimson learned yesterday. The Athletic Department will announce the hiring at an 11 a.m. press conference today.

At a 10 a.m. squad meeting this morning, Sanders will be introduced to the Harvard team. The Harvard position will be Sanders's first attempt at coaching on any level of competition.

Eight-Week Search

The selection of Sanders marks the end of an eight-week search conducted by an eight-man selection committee formed after the dismissal of former head coach Robert Harrison.

The appointment will mark the end of an illustrious 13-year career for the 36-year-old ex-teammate of Bill Russell. Russell and Sanders led the Celtics during their reign of terror in the NBA, when they won 11 world championships in 13 years.


Sanders, who was on eight of those championship teams, found himself on the bench for most of last season and contributed little to the team's 4-3 series loss in this year's NBA play-off semi-finals against New York.

The 6'6" Roxbury resident and New York University graduate retires from pro basketball sporting a 10.1 points-per-game career average.

The hiring of Sanders eliminated speculation that "Satch" would join former teammate Bill Russell as an assistant when the latter moves west to his new job as coach of the Seattle Super Sonics. "We talked about it before he (Russell) accepted the offer and now that he has, we probably will talk again," Sanders said last night.

Sanders would not confirm that he had been offered the Harvard position last night, but admitted that he expected to be contacted by Harvard "either Monday or Tuesday." Up until his personal interview with Harvard officials on Friday, Sanders had not been considered the premier contender for the position. According to one source, "He impressed the committee with his poise, intelligence, and depth."

James M. Jones, assistant professor of Social Psychology, and member of the search committee, commented last night, "I'm delighted. It's a very good thing to see Satch coming to Harvard. Satch has a winning way of looking at sports which he will bring along to Harvard," Jones said.

"Satch will fit right in with Harvard's tradition of excellence. He has the ability to bring basketball up to par with Harvard's academic excellence. And it's about time."

Praise for the decision came from many former and present teammates. "I don't think you could have picked a better man. He knows how to handle kids and he really has the art of communication with ballplayers," Celtic teammate Hank Finkel said last night. "I'd sure like to have him back with the Celtics next year."
