
NYAC Waterpoloists Subdue Crimson

The New York Athletic Club (NYAC) waterpoloists pulled to a dizzying 8-1 first quarter lead against Harvard and finally shellacked the Crimson, 17-10, in the Harvard Invitational Tournament here Saturday. The NYAC squad squashed Northeastern yesterday, 13-4, to capture the tourney title.

"The New York club was too much," Harvard captain Mike Graff said Saturday. "I'm glad we were able to score as many points as we did."

Heavy Fouling

NYAC fired its first goal against the Crimson within 20 seconds of the opening whistle. The New Yorkers fouled heavily, but the sluggish Crimson offense failed to capitalize on its opponent's penalties. Seven more NYAC goals hit the nets until Harvard's Steve Sheffield rifled a goal from 15 feet.

The teams held each other to two goals apiece in the second quarter to give NYAC a 10-3 edge at halftime. The New York starting seven, playing through the third stanza, devastated the Crimson with seven more points.


Offense Falls Apart

Harvard's offense fell apart as Sheffield, Dave James and Phil Jonchkeer failed on repeated goal attempts, and NYAC nabbed most of the rebounds. Jonchkeer and Jim Nourse finally snared two goals late in the quarter to close the NYAC lead by five.

In its best performance all game, the Crimson outscored NYAC, 5-0, in the last quarter. Graff paced the offense and hit the nets twice. Nourse threw in a wild goal on an assist from James in the closing seconds of the match.

"The last quarter was gratifying," Graff said. "But I think NYAC got fatigued and started substituting a bit more. They are simply a better ball club."

Harvard's Al Bozer snared a game-winning goal with 50 seconds left to play, as the Crimson edged out Northeastern for second place yesterday, 11-10.

Both teams played careful ball, but the Crimson stretched to a 7-4 lead at the half on goals scored by Tracy Mallory, Pete Kellogg, Graff, James and Sheffield.

With surprising momentum, the Huskies outscored Harvard, 4-1, in the third quarter, and deadlocked the score, 10-10, with two minutes left in the game. Two scoring attempts by Sheffield failed, but Bozer came through on a six-on-five situation when a Huskie player was ejected from the pool on a sinking penalty.

Sheffield led the Crimson in scoring with five goals in the two games. Graff hit four and Kellogg and Jonchkeer nabbed two goals apiece.
