
Undefeated Netmen To Face Columbia In Ivy Showdown

The Columbia Lions have dominated the Ivy League tennis scene for several years now, but their hegemony will come to an abrupt end today at the Palmer Dixon Courts if the Crimson netmen and coach Jack Barnaby have their way.

"They're the defending champs," Barnaby said yesterday, "and on paper they're the best team, but we plan to tear into them."

Barnaby's confidence might be excessive, but it is definitely not unfounded. The netmen have been keying for today's match for the last month, while making a Sherman-like march through the ECAC, compiling a league-leading 4-0 record.

"We're eager to get at them," Barnaby said. They think they're going to beat us. Let's see them do it."

Unfortunately, the Lions are quite capable of doing it. They too have compiled a 4-0 league record, and share the ECAC lead with the Crimson.


Barnaby, however, refuses to be discouraged. "By beating Penn and Navy," he said, "we've shown we are one of the class teams in the League. If some of our guys get hotter than they have been, we can win."

The Crimson's line-up for today's match will be the same as for last Tuesday's 8-1 triumph over Williams, with freshman Gary Reiner at the number one spot, and former number one man Ken Lindner at two.

John Ingard, Tom Loring, captain Randy Barnett and Chip Baird will fill out the remaining singles spots, as Barnett will team with Loring, and Lindner with Gary Rewbetham in doubles play.

The netmen's match with Cornell, scheduled for last Thursday, was postponed, and will be played at Ithaca on Wednesday, May 2.
