
Racquetmen to Face Williams In Easy Warmup for Columbia

What looked in February like a tough season for the Crimson netmen has turned into a succession of easy wins, and this afternoon's match shouldn't be an exception as the surprising racquetmen take on a weak Williams College team at Soldiers Field.

Coach Jack Barnaby repeated a familiar line yesterday as he warned his undefeated charges against overconfidence.

"Williams is not a particularly good team," Barnaby said, "but they're not particularly bad, either. We're going to have to play them to win."

Barnaby has repeated this same phrase twice in the last week, and his team has responded by thrashing Brown and Yale.

"This whole team has surprised me," Barnaby said. "They lost their number one player, but they just keep fighting and winning."


Winning won't be too difficult for the netmen today, although Williams did beat Yale, 6-3, recently while the Crimson pounded the Elis, 7-2.

Up From Mononucleosis

Freshman Gary Reiner will play at the number one spot for the second time this season, having won the top spot from Ken Lindner in intra-squad competition last week.

Lindner, coming off a bout with mononucleosis, will play second.

Barnaby said yesterday that Lindner might still be weak after his illness.

"Ken has been winning his first sets, but then losing later ones," Barnaby said. "We hope that by now he will have gained back his strength."

The most important match of the season for the netmen will come on Saturday against Columbia after another easy match against Cornell on Thursday.

"Columbia is a great team," Barnaby said. "We're going to raise ourselves to heights in order to beat them."
