
Lindzey Accepts Texas Offer, Will Leave Harvard This Fall

Gardner E. Lindzey, chairman of the Psychology and Social Relations Department will return to the University of Texas this Fall. Lindzey had been considered one of the leading candidates for appointment as dean of the Faculty.

Lindzey, who has served in his present post for one year, will become vice president and dean of Graduate Studies at Texas.

Before coming to Harvard, Lindzey had served as vice president for Academic Affairs and vice president for Administration at the University of Texas. Because of his extensive administrative experience, he was thought to be a top contender for the permanent deanship vacated by John T. Dunlop.

The Crimson reported earlier this month that Lindzey had withdrawn as a candidate for the post because of his wife's unhappiness with Cambridge.

Lindzey said yesterday that his decision did not involve personal factors and that his entire family, including three children in Texas, wanted him to move back, but that his wife had not forced him to leave Harvard. "I don't know who the ratfink is who made that up," Lindzey said.


Lindzey also said that his decision was "totally unrelated" to his consideration for the deanship.
