

the screen

BRATTLE THEATRE Shame, 6:35, 9:45 (sat-Sun mat 3:30) Hour of the Wolf 8:15 (Sat-Sun mat 5:05)

CENTRAL CINEMA I King of Hearts, 6:30, 9:45, weekend mat 3:10 Devil by the Tail 8:15, Weekend mat 4:55

CENTRAL CINEMA II Madame Bovary (Renoir) 6,10 La Marseillaise 7:50 (Sat-Sun mat 3:45)

HARVARD SQUARE THEATRE Tout Va Bien 2:15, 6, 9:45 La Salamandre 3:55, 7:40

ORSON WELLES CINEMA I Private Life of Henry VIII, 4, 7:15, 10:40 Macbeth (Welles) 5:40, 9.


ORSON WELLES CINEMA TWO Weekend, 4, 7:45 11:30 Pierrot Le Fou 5:45, 9:30, (Sat 2 pm) MIDNITE SHOW FRI & SAT Busby Berkeley's The Gangs All Here.

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