
Radcliffe Juniors Will Host Parents

Two hundred parents of Radcliffe students will be on campus today for what may be the last Radcliffe Junior Parents Day.

The annual parent activities originated as part of a fathers' weekend but were altered to include mothers in 1964. This is the first year that an entire weekend has not been allotted to activities for the visiting parents.

Isabell M. B. Dry, marshal of Radcliffe, said yesterday that Harvard is "phasing out" her office, which runs the festivities for the visiting parents. "Harvard feels the program involves too much money," she said.

Dry said that the program is not sponsored to raise funds for the college, although some visiting parents have in the past sent checks to Radcliffe after the festivities.

Parents from as far away as California will attend this weekend's activities which will begin with a coffee hour at Comstock Hall with Radcliffe president Matina Horner, and end with a speech by President Bok at a dinner at the Freshman Union.
