
Radcliffe Crew to Meet Philly In Season's First Real Test

Buoyed by last week's resounding 24-second triumph over Syracuse, the Radcliffe crew faces what could be its stiffest challenge of the season today, as it comes head to head against the Philadelphia Women's Rowing Club in a five-team regatta in Middletown, Conn.

The Philadelphia squad, while runner-up to Radcliffe in last Spring's Sprints, is the defending National women's titlist. And despite the optimism in Cambridge, the Quaker City eight is eager to repeat its capture of national laurels.

The Philadelphia team, blessed with the iceless water of the Schuylkill River during the winter months, has never really come off the water in its practice sessions since last season, and must be rated the team to beat. Radcliffe on the other hand, has only been rowing on the Charles for the last three and a half weeks.

The regatta also features teams from Trinity, Wesleyan, and Middletown High School, as well as a "paper entry" from Yale. However, for reason's known only to Kingman Brewster and William Sloan Coffin, the Yale squad is expected to pull a "no show."

Nervous Yet Optimistic


"I'm kind of nervous about this one," Radcliffe coach John Baker said when asked about the race yesterday. "I'm optimistic but not really confident."

The basis for Baker's reservation is the distinct advantage Philadelphia has in racing experience. The Philly crew is a veteran-studded squad while Radcliffe will be racing five "rookies" in its eight-oar line-up.

"This is Philadelphia's first race, and it is really our first race too," Baker said. "Last week we really didn't have much real competition. Philadelphia's experience could be an important factor."

The unsavory weather in Cambridge over the last week has hampered Radcliffe's practice sessions since the Syracuse win. Consequently, Baker's squad has rowed in eights for only the last two days. The rest of the week was spent breaking in the two new fours that Radcliffe has purchased (but not yet paid for) and in learning how to row the new crafts.

Baker will stay with the same line-up that he used a week ago. Ann Robinson will row bow followed by Charlotte Crane at two, Debbie Harrington at three, Kathy Sullivan at four, Jenny Gethsinger at five, Lillian Hunt at six, and Allison Hill at seven. Ginny Smith will stroke the Radcliffe eight, with Nancy Hadley as cox.
