
Obstacles To Kennedy Library


The time is approaching when concrete plans for the John F. Kennedy Library have to be prepared if the Library Corporation is to meet its hoped for unveiling date of May 29, the 56th anniversary of the birth of the late president.

But with a history of delays, many by the MBTA in vacating the site of the proposed Library, one more bucket of Charles River water has been added to the flood of difficulties.

A special review panel appointed by John H. Corcoran, Cambridge City Manager, has begun to examine the basic design of the Library, concentrating especially on the parking and traffic situation, the tax-generating potential of the site, and the placement of the Memorial plaza.

The review panel is following the pattern established in negotiations earlier this year when an agreement was made to lower the height of the adjacent Holiday Inn from 18 to 8 stories.

Hopefully, again an agreement can be reached satisfying the City and the developer. The remaining problems are inter-related--they center around the very expensive related facilities building which was to contain 120 condominium apartments and commercial frontage, raising the need for increased parking, but also increasing the tax revenue to the City.
