
Eight-Man Search Committee Seeks Successor to Harrison

Harvard has begun in earnest its search for a replacement for deposed basketball coach Bob Harrison. An eight-man screening committee formed March 29 has begun to consider candidates for the position.

The committee, which will be headed by Robert B. Watson '37; director of Athletics, consists of four Harvard officials and three undergraduates. Serving with Watson are Baaron Pittenger, associate Director of Athletics; Floyd Wilson, Director of Intramurals and a former Harvard varsity basketball coach; James Jones assistant professor of Social Psychology and a member of the Standing Committee on Athletics; John Harvey, assistant to the director of General and freshman basketball coach and Tony Jenkins '74, Captain-elect of the Harvard Varsity, Ken Wolfe 74 and Len Adams '75, members of the current varsity basketball team.

The Committee began interviewing candidates for Harrison's job over vacation and will try to reach a decision by late Spring. To date, Harvard has received 63 applications or inquiries about the position.

The screening committee has broken down into four groups for preliminary screening of the candidates. Each group will screen one-fourth the candidates, choosing the top three or four prospects from each quarter, and will then bring these before the whole committee.

The committee will then narrow down the number of candidates and recommend three or four to Watson.


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