
Crimson Netmen to Play MIT Today Without Top Player Harris Masterson

The Crimson racquetmen open their northern season today against perennial pushover MIT, but still remain without the services of number one player Harris Masterson.

Throughout the Harvard-MIT series, the Crimson has won 41 of the 43 matches, with the Engineers' last win coming in 1947. Harvard coach Jack Barnaby said yesterday that MIT will offer the Crimson competition only at the number one slot.

"William Young is a very good player for MIT at number one." Barnaby said, "I don't know much about the rest of their team, but we should have them on depth."

Only Loss

Young's only loss in New England play last year was to Masterson.


Masterson, who left the team last month in order to reevaluate his athletic and academic career, has not yet returned.

"We just got back from the south yesterday," Barnaby said," and I have had no word from him. I know nothing about his situation."

Masterson was unavailable for comment yesterday.

Ken Lindner will play in the number one slot today in place of Masterson, while freshman Gary Reiner and John Ingard play at the two and three spots.

Tom Loring and captain Randy Barnett will occupy the four and five slots on the team, with Chip Baird playing at number six and Gary Rowbotham at seven.

Loring and Barnett will make up the number one doubles team, with Lindner and Rowbotham at number two.

MIT currently has a 3-4 record, which includes a 9-0 loss to North Carolina. Harvard, with a 2-5 record, lost to UNC last week, 8-1.

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