
Committee of Seven to Review Institute of Politics Programs

President Bok has appointed a committee to review the first six years of the Institute of Politics.

Ernest R. May, professor of History and director of the Institute, requested the review of the Institute which is under the jurisdiction of the Kennedy School of Government. May said Thursday that an innovative program like the Institute should be evaluted by outside people at regular intervals.

Charles U. Daly, vice president for Government and Community Affairs, will chair the committee. The committee is expected to make its report to Bok this Fall.

Bok said the committee will assess the value of the Institute's student program; research accomplished under its faculty studies program; and, the program that brings Fellows from the political world to the Institute.

The seven-member committee includes Faculty members as well as people currently active in government.



Bok said yesterday that the committee will do a considerable amount of interviewing in governmental and academic circles.

"We are intensely interested in how the Institute can best build upon what has been accomplished to date and in what new directions it might take," Bok said.
