

The Mail

To the Editors of The Crimson

We should like to correct an error in your editorial of March 14, concerning the selection of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. President Bok invited all members of the faculty to write him candidly and confidentially about the choice of the new Dean. Furthermore, he has consulted widely and personally with liberal members of the Faculty. There is no basis for The Crimson's conclusion that "it is not likely that fair and responsive candidates will be seriously considered for the post of Dean." It is our impression that this is exactly opposite to the true state of affairs. A.K. Solomon   Chairman, Comm. on Higher Degrees in Biophysics   James C. Thomson, Jr.   Curator, Nieman Foundation for Journalism   James Ackerman   Professor of Fine Arts   Wassily Leontiet   Professor of Economics   Kenneth J. Arrow   Professor of Economics


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