
Volleyball Ranked Most Popular Sport

400 Play in Intramurals

Volleyball ranks as the most popular intramural sport, Floyd S. Wilson, director of Intramural Athletics, reported yesterday.

Wilson said that the upsurge in popularity came with the formation of an open league which was begun to gauge student interest in sports other than traditional "varsity-type" intramurals.


"We just set out posters at the beginning of February and had a tremendous response," Wilson said. "I figure we have over 50 teams and 400 people playing volleyball in our open league. I'm amazed how well it has gone over especially since the players get no glory, no prizes, no nothing."

Ruth E. Tringham, a former volleyball player on Great Britain's 1972 Olympic team and now assistant professor of Anthropology, said, "I think the intramural volleyball is great fun. I really enjoy it." Tringham, a resident tutor at Quincy House, plays for Quincy in the open league.


In other intramural action, Eliot, Lowell and Winthrop are vying for the lead in the race for the Straus Cup, symbolic of the House intramural athletic championship.

In winter sports, Lowell took the fencing and track meets while Adams captured the swimming title. The squash championship has narrowed down to Leverett and Quincy.

Eliot and Winthrop are battling in final round action for the top spot in the basketball standings and hockey leader Winthrop is seeking to remain undefeated in its final game with second place Mather.

Eliot held the lead in Straus points with 295 in the fall tabulation. Lowell was second with 275. Leverett and Quincy were neck and neck for the next spot with 233 and 231 points respectively.

Point Chart

Wilson said that the complicated point chart made the current standings "even more up in the air." Sports that are held on only one or two days are classified as special events and count 25 points for the victor. Other league sports are worth 100 points to the champion. "That's why it is hard to tell who is really ahead now," Wilson said.
