
Union Theater Club to Produce Plays Authored by Four Harvard Freshmen

The Union Theater, a new Harvard drama group, announced yesterday that it will produce four freshman-authored plays in the spring.

A traditional play by Richard D. Lehr '76, and a musical by Charles R. Kronauer '76, are scheduled for April 28 and 29. Two plays of the absurd, by Rodney H. Clark '76 and Tom F. Wright '76, will be produced on May 4 and 5. All productions will be at the Freshman Union.

Evangeline Morphus, teaching fellow in General Education and director of the Union Theater, said the purpose of the group is "to start using the Union the way the Houses are used. We would like to involve as many freshmen as we can."

The Union Theater evolved from Morphus's Expository Writing class on modern dramatic literature. Morphus said "the only way you can get people to write good plays is to have them produced," She will direct two of the plays. Students will direct the others.

Clark said his "The Impression We Exist" is "an absurdist play along the lines of "Waiting for Godot." All semblance of logical construction is suspended," he said.


Lehr said his "Alumni Day" is "a play that explores prep school alumni and how a man cherishes only the good of the past which always leads to tragedy."

Kronauer said his "The Fourth Floor Caucus" is "a comedy with songs about freshman life."

The freshman playwrights expressed interest in continuing their writing but were concerned with the lack of job opportunities. Lehr, who is currently working on a play about POWs, said "I'd like to write but I'd also like some security with a law degree."

Morphus said the plays could be a part of a large art festival. She said that in the near future the Union might exhibit freshman photography and art.
