
Intramural Boxing May Be Reinstated

Intramural boxing may return to Straus cup competition if a decision made a week ago by the House athletic secretaries stands.

The secretaries endorsed the sport's reinstatement in a 6-3 ballot last Tuesday. The Faculty Athletic Committee will make the final decision when it meets about the first of April.

A week before, in a 9-2 vote, the secretaries had voted to remove boxing from the program. At that time, Floyd Wilson, director of Intramural Athletics, had cited a general lack of participation and a fear of injury to untrained athletes as the reasons behind the vote.


Tom Volpe '73, the Mather House Secretary, said yesterday he led the debate for reinstatement. He stressed that the purpose of intramurals was participation, not competition, and that "as long as even a few people want to participate in any sport, we should include it in the Straus cup."


Tom Schneider '73, Lowell House Secretary, said yesterday that he had voted against boxing both times because he felt there was insufficient interest in it. He said that while other sports should have their point values decreased to reflect poor turnouts, only boxing warranted total elimination from competition.
