
Winthrop Six Trounce Mather In Key House Hockey Contest

Winthrop's house hockey team crushed Mather, 5-1, to virtually clinch the coveted House Hockey Championship last Thursday night before 150 fans in Watson Rink.

Mather took the lead early in the first period with a power play goal by senior Phil Faust on a slapshot from the right point. Winthrop came back with two goals by Fred Simon before the end of the period and then proceeded to dominate play throughout the second stanza.

Sophomore Gerry Heslinga assisted his older brother Steve for the third Winthrop goal, as Steve beat goalie Howie Rose with a 20-foot shot from the left side. Captain Art Page and Jim Rooney collected the final two goals to make the winning margin 5-1.

Goalie Sam Burr, an off-season transfer from Mather, led the Winthrop defense, making six key saves to thwart Mather's attack. Burr held Mather's first line of Jim Thomspon, Charlie Olchowski and Craig Bergstrom scoreless.

Winthrop currently holds a 6-0-2 record with games remaining against Eliot House and the freshmen. Mather stands 8-1 and has yet to face the Leverett Bunnies and Kirkland House.


Captain Page, reached Friday morning after a long night of post-game celebration at the Winthrop House grill, where free beer was served, would only comment, "The Winthrop wagon really rolled last night." Page then added, "And anyway, if you don't play to win, why keep score?"
