
The Pudding Greets Liza


In contrast to the sparse crowd that gathered to see Ruby Keeler last year, hundreds of determined fans came out Tuesday to get a look at Liza Minnelli when she received the Hasty Pudding Theatrical's Woman of the Year award.

Minnelli's comment on the day of activities, which included a parade from the Business School and festivities at the Pudding club, was, "This is the best party I've ever been to."

Though she was dressed in a simple black pantsuit and her nails were not painted green, Minnelli thrilled her audience with a spirited rendition of "Cabaret."

The Hasty Pudding Club had drummed up her standing room only audience with publicity that included a fake Crimson extra distributed Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Though the executive producer of the club's annual musical production said Tuesday that the sham extra was intended to be humorous, the club has since reached a $500 settlement with The Crimson.


Minnelli, far from any controversy and ensconced in a Rolls Royce racing out to the airport behind a speeding police car, said, "Life is whimsy." She added, "you give of yourself in life and you get what you give."
