
J.V. Fencers Lose to Columbia As Lions Sweep Sabre Matches

While the Crimson varsity was throwing a scare into Columbia, the Crimson J.V. squad was downstairs in the third floor fencing room battling the Lion "Cubs." And, unfortunately for Harvard fans, the J.V.s were no more successful in its contest than the "top floor contingent," losing, 16-11.

The match, repeatedly interrupted by the varsity's quest for workable equipment, was won by Harvard, if one could only find some way to overlook the 9-0 sweep of sabre competition by Columbia. Harvard has little depth in sabre, and if today's performance is any indication of things to come, next year could be bleak for the sabre team.

But the inglorious showing of the sabre men was offset to a degree, by good performances in the point weapons. The epee team of Sam Anderson, John Hawkins, and Dave Moskowitz won six out of nine, with each fencer taking two of three.

In foil, Harvard also triumphed, topping the Lions, 5-4. Freshman John Willinsky led the Crimson foil assault, taking two wins without a loss. Tom Sharp also won two, but lost his second round bout, marring an otherwise perfect performance.
