
Crimson Battle Bruins for Shot at League Crown

'Cinderella' Teams To Meet at Brown In Vital Ivy Game

Harvard and Brown are no longer the cinderella teams they were at the beginning of the season. Both are viable contenders for the Ivy League title. Today's televised game at Providence between the Bruins and the Crimson should go a long way in determining the eventual Ivy champ.

Brown, 3-2-1 this season, is on the way to its first winning season since 1964. Harvard's record is tarnished only by a loss to Dartmouth.

Multiple T

In his first year as head coach, John Anderson has revamped Brown football. He has installed a multiple-T attack which is well suited to his alternating quarterbacks, Pete Beatrice and Dennis Coleman. Together, they have passed for 735 yards and six touchdowns. Anderson has also molded a fine backfield with running backs Mike Sokolowski and Hubie Morgan.

Harvard will rely on its bread-and-butter men in today's contest. Jim Stoeckel, Pat McInally and Neal Miller will be the main cogs in the Crimson offense. All three will have a good opportunity to establish school or league records in today's tilt.


Miller, who is leading the Ivies in rushing, needs only 149 yards to break Vic Gatto's record for most yards gained by a sophomore. Stoeckel needs only 133 yards to establish himself as the season and career record holder for passing yardage. McInally, only a junior, is closing in on the career reception mark. Harvard has had some problems getting untracked offensively in the past few games, but if they roll today these records will probably fall.

Dull Scrimmage

The Crimson and the Bruins met in a scrimmage earlier this year, fighting up to a dull standstill. They both have had most of a season to jell, however, so today's game should offer some exciting differences.

Harvard is back at full strength after having missed the services of defensive back, Joe Sciolla, and halfback Alky Tsitsos in last week's game. Steve Dart, who replaced Tsitsos, will get the nod today at halfback, but Tsitsos will be available for action.

Crimson fans will be glued to the tube today, but they will also keep a close watch on the game in Hanover between Dartmouth and Cornell. A Big Green loss could really scramble the Ivy picture. Whatever happens, Harvard and Brown will be in the thick of it, which is pretty good for two who were supposed to be cinderellas.

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