

FRIDAY: Escape From the Planet of the Apes. 1971. Roddy McDowall and Kim Hunter monkeying around for the third time in installment three of the Apes series. They escape a nuclear holocaust by fleeing back in time to present-day Los Angeles. Some escape. CH. 7. 9 p.m. Color. 2 hrs.

SATURDAY: The Andromeda Strain. 1971. Robert Wise, who directed one of the best science fiction flicks ever, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," teamed with pop fiction writer Michael Crichton to produce this thriller about a biological menace to the world's population. A corker of an ending. CH. 4. 9 p.m. Color. 2 hrs. 40 min.

The Director: Marcel Ophuls, a documentary by Paul Michaud, Hum sectionman and head of Les Films Sirene, CH. 2. 9:00. 60 min.

SUNDAY: Casablanca. 1942. My favorite Bogey and one of my all-time favorite films. Romance and intrigue in wartime Morocco with Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Paul Heinreid, Peter Lorre, Sidney Greenstreet, et al. CH.56. 7:30 p.m. B-W. 2 hrs.

Men Who Made the Movies. PBS documentary focuses this week on director Howard Hawks whose films include "Air Force", "Red River", and "The Big Sleep." CH.2. 8 p.m. Color. 60 min.


The Hospital. 1971. Black comedy in a New York hospital with George C. Scott and Diana Rigg (Emma Peel from "The Avengers"). CH.5. 8:30 p.m. Color. 2 hrs.

MONDAY: B.C.--The First Thanksgiving. Grog! A prehistoric turkeyshoot for Harvard pre-schoolers of all classes. Cartoon. CH. 4. 8 p.m. Color. 30 min.

TUESDAY: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Turkey with Peanut dressing. Cartoon. CH.7. 8 p.m. Color. 30 min.

War and Peace. A nine-chapter BBC adaptation of Tolstoy's massive novel that runs a total of 14 and a half hours. Part one introduces the lengthy list of characters while war with Napoleon brews offstage. CH.2. 8 p.m. Color. 2 hrs.

WEDNESDAY: Doctor Dolittle. 1967. The sort of stuff that gives X-rated movies a good name. CH.5. 8 p.m. Color 3 hrs.
