

SATURDAY: Starlost. New series starring Keir Dullea (of 2001 fame) has had a slow start but is moving in on the old Star Trek audience. Earthship Ark is traveling through space with millions of people aboard in self-contained environments. Three of them are trying to save the others from destruction. Worth a try. 7 p.m. CH.4. Color. 60 min.

Frankenstein. 1931. The original. With Boris Karloff. CH.5. 11:30 p.m. B-W. 90 min.

SUNDAY: Men Who Made the Movies. The debut of an eight-part series on the lives of famous directors looks at Rauol Walsh, who starred in D.W. Griffith's "Birth of a Nation" and directed such film classics as "High Sierra" and "White Heat." CH.2. 7:30 p.m. Color. 90 min.

High Sierra. 1940. Walsh's memorable tale of an ex-con (Humphrey Bogart) and his faithful girl (Ida Lupino). CH.56. 7:30 p.m. B-W. 2 hrs.

MONDAY: To Kill A Mockingbird. 1962. Gregory Peck at his most noble in a story of racial prejudice, honor, and childhood in a little Alabama town. CH.4. 9 p.m. B-W. 2 hrs.


WEDNESDAY: Compulsion. 1959. Taut dramatization of the Loeb-Leopold murder case of the twenties. Orson Welles and Dean Stockwell. CH.56. 11 p.m. B-W. 2 hrs.
