

CURRIER HOUSE DINING HALL, The Philadelphia Story (1940) George Cukor with Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant, James Stuart, Oct. 5 and 6, at 8 and 10, $1.

HARVARD-EPWORTH CHURCH, Institutional Quality by Goerge Landow and Open City by Roberto Rossellini, starring Anna Magnani, Oct. 4, 7:30, $1, The Astronomer's Dream by Georges Melies and Paisan by Roberto Rossellini, Oct. 11, 7:30, $1.

HILLES LIBRARY CINEMA, The Graduate, Oct. 5, 7:30 and 9:45, $1

MATHER HOUSE DINING HALL, Bergman's The Touch, Oct. 5 and 6, at 8 and 10, $1.

ORSON WELLES CINEMA, In person: Jean-Pierre Leaud, Bernadette Lafont, Jean Eustache for the New England premier of The Mother and the Whore, Oct. 8, 7:30, $3.


SCIENCE CENTER, Five Evenings with Jean-Pierre Leaud: The 400 Blows, Oct. 9; The Departure (Skolimowski), Oct. 10; Masculine/Feminine, Oct. 11; La Concentration (P. Garrel, U.S. Premier), Oct. 12; Bed and Board, Oct. 13, all at 7:30, $2.50 each night.

BRATTLE THEATER, Stolen Kisses, Oct. 10, at 2, $2.
