
Freshman Booters Upend Exeter, 4-2

Coach Expects Good Season for Yardlings

Avenging last year's loss at New Hampshire, the freshman soccer team defeated Exeter Academy's varsity yesterday, 4-2, in the season opener for the Crimson.

The match, which was played at Harvard, was an important one for Crimson Coach Dana Gatchell and his squad. "Exeter knew they had us in the first game. That is right where they wanted us," Getchell said.

Forward Mark Zimering opened the scoring with a goal eight minutes into the match. He scored again 12 minutes later and put the game out of reach with a penalty kick at the 25-minute mark. Robert Grant added an insurance goal with five minutes left in the first half.

Exeter's two tallies came in the second half on goals by Muse at the 15-minute mark and by Pinella three minutes later. "Exeter's goals were mainly on defense. The second goal was a gift," Getchell said.

"Exeter has a good team this year, better than last year's squad," Getchell said after the game yesterday. "They had already played two games and had outscored their opponents 9-2."


Slick Field

The light drizzle hampered both teams as the slick field slowed the players. "The rain really hurt our goalkeeper," Getchell said. "The ball was slick and he had to handle a lot of high shots."

"Our lack of practice hurt us," Getchell said. Exeter scored on a penalty kick when Crimson goalie Peter Durgerian stopped outside the penalty area. "In spite of these problems, we took on a good team and beat them," Getchell added.

With only two weeks of practice, the frosh squad has not jelled as a team. "They worked like blazes in practice and played a solid game today," said Getchell. "The next ten days will be spent on polishing all phases of our game," he added.

The freshmen play the MIT Varsity B on October 13th, and then take on the other Ivy League freshman squads. "The Ivy is loaded this year," Getchell said, "but I am expecting a good season from this squad."

If yesterday's opener is any indication, the freshman team should have another fine season.
