
Spikers Lack Time, Space and Money

The Harvard volleyball club's prospects have been seriously damaged because its assigned practice time at the Indoor Athletic Building has been terminated, Joe Antenucci, captain of the team, said yesterday.

Because the team has no home court facilities, money or practice time, its future as a power in the New England Volleyball League is in doubt.

Floyd Wilson, director of Intramural Athletics, said yesterday that the volleyball team's practice time had been terminated because with the beginning of the basketball season, basketball practice will monopolize the courts.

Wilson said yesterday that there is a problem scheduling practice times for organized athletic activities at the IAB. "There is not enough space to satisfy everybody," he said.

"When we assign practice times, inter-collegiate sports and intramural sports are given priority over club athletics," Baaron Pitinger, assistant director of athletics, said yesterday.


Antenucci said that the team is having financial difficulty as well. "We are willing to pay the entrance fees and cope with the money problem" he said, "but it's essential that we find some place to play."
