
Freshman Harriers Sprint by Andover

Harvard's freshman cross-country team, sparked by the record-breaking performance of Jeff Campbell, convincingly whipped Andover Academy yesterday, 20-39, for its fourth consecutive victory.

Campbell blazed around a difficult Andover course in 12:18.8, eclipsing the three-year-old course mark by two seconds. He broke away from a pack of runners at the two-mile mark, and coasted home.

But Campbell's fine showing was only the brightest spot in a strong team effort.

Harvard's Brian Dunn turned back Andover's Jamie Morgan to finish second with a clocking of 12:28. Fast-improving Kurt Holland captured an important fourth place for the Crimson in 12:36.

Harvard harriers also placed sixth, seventh, ninth and tenth, dousing Andover's hopes.


It was a very satisfying win for Crimson coach Pappy Hunt. "Andover had boasted that they could knock us off," he said yesterday. "But we ran a real tough race to beat them. I've definitely got a bunch of competitors this year."
