

Gerry Moshell has put together a high-powered program of concertos at Kirkland House this Friday night. Two of the best violinists in the area are soloists, Robert Portney in the Tchaikovsky concerto and Ronan Lefkowitz (with Barbara Jacobson, vlute, and Hugh Wolff, harpsichord) in the Bach Fifth Brandenburg. Moshell is soloist in a DeFalla harpsichord concerto. No excuse for missing this: it's free and given twice the same evening, at 8:30 and midnight.

The Geoghegan brothers have played guitar in the Cambridge area for years, usually around MIT. They will be doing works of their own composition and of Sor, Saturday afternoon at Dunster.

David Bachrach and Ruth Harcovitz are most familiar to Harvard audiences for their operetta roles. This Sunday they change styles and are the soloists in two of the better Bach secular cantatas, the Peasant and Coffee. K.T.H.

BUSCH-REISINGER MUSEUM. Kenneth Haycraft, organist, in recital. Free. Thursday, October 11, Noon.

KIRKLAND HOUSE JCR. Concerto Program: Tchaikovsky (Violin); Bach (Brandenburg No. 5); and De Falla (Harpsichord). Free. Friday, October 12, 8:30 p.m. and Midnight.


MEMORIAL CHURCH. James Dalton, Organist of Queen's College, Oxford, in recital. A program of Gibbons, Blow, Nielsen, and Bach. Free. Friday, October 12, 8:30 p.m.

DUNSTER HOUSE LIBRARY. Duoguitar recital by Hugh and Thomas Geoghegan. Free. Saturday, October 13, 5:30 p.m.

DUNSTER HOUSE LIBRARY. Piano Quartets of Copland and Brahms. Free. Stunday, October 14, 3:00 p.m.

QUINCY HOUSE DINING ROOM. J.S. Bach: Coffee Cantata; Peasant Cantata. Free. Sunday, October 14, 8:30 p.m.

SANDERS THEATER. Five Centuries Ensemble performing works of d'Anglebert, Monteverdi, and Purcell. Tickets: 253-7764 (day), 864-5530 (night). Monday, October 15, 8:30 p.m.

MEMORIAL CHURCH. Eileen Hunt, organist, in recital. Program of Dandrieu, Bach, Langlais, Hindemith, and Dupre. Free. Wednesday, October 17, 8:00 p.m.
