
Booters Struggle to Tie With Ephmen

Finish in Scoreless Deadlock

The Crimson booters reinforced with the previously injured Felix Adedeji, Steve Kidder and Brian Fearnett, tried the 4-2-4 system for the first time in a game situation against a rough and spirited Williams team, and came up with a scoreless tie.

With strong gale sweeping across the field, Harvard coach Bruce Munro chose to take the backing of the wind during the first half. Harvard dominated the first half with numerous scoring opportunities that remained fruitless. The Williams defense was tested but a rough and physical game by the Ephmen kept Harvard from scoring.

"The referees were really out to lunch," said Munro, who also attributed the lack of scoring to the injuries of all-important Felix Adedeji and J.P. Gilbert, the inexperience of the team, and the novelty of the 4-2-4 system.

The 4-2-4 system depends on the two halfbacks who are expected to dominate the center and get the offense rolling through the center. Fluid passes and a harmonious combination with the four front men help a team dominate the game and produce potential scoring opportunities. However, the fluidity and coordination produced by a combination of talent and experience were not there for the Crimson yesterday afternoon.

Felix Adedeji was forced to step in to play early in the first half after J.P. Gilbert was injured and taken out of the game.


Although Adedeji could only move at a third of his regular speed because of his ligament injury, his crisp passing and positioning contributed to the Crimson's offensive efforts, Munro said.

In the second half the story was different with the wind behind Williams. The Ephmen dominated play and "if it wasn't for Kidder we would not have salvaged a tie," Munro said.

Kidder played for the first time after two weeks of a lay-off due to an injured back and was credited with his third shut-out of the season on an outstanding performance with goal saving heroics.

If the Crimson is to have any hopes of a respectable season they will have to rely heavily on their defense. The defense, with stand-out Brian Fearnett, took the pressure in the Williams game but it still remains to be tested against tough Ivy competition.

The tie was a disappointment to Munro who said that he was hoping for a win over Williams. The game with Williams failed to provide the winning momentum that Munro was hoping for in the Ivy competition starting with Columbia this Saturday. Adedeji is also not expected to play in the game and Gilbert will undergo medical examination today for his injured foot.
