
Vis Stud Review Committee Suggests 'Creative' Tutorial

A student-faculty committee on curriculum review for the Visual and Environmental Studies Department has issued its preliminary report recommending a new open tutorial program as the central focus of he concentration.

The open tutorial in Visual Studies would replace the current tutorial program and mix sophomores. Juniors and seniors in an open program stressing individual creative activity.

Creative Work

The committee felt that although there is some room for creative work in existing courses there should be more opportunity for students to pursue their own projects.

"It is our basic assumption that only by creatively selecting and responding to his tasks can a person achieve that identification with his work without the acquisition of skills remains meaningless," the report said.


The committee is currently circulating questionnaires to students and faculty soliciting their opinions on the open tutorial and other aspects of the department

The committee will make a final report to the VES faculty, who will then consider implementing the proposals at the end of the semester.

Viewing interview tutorial program as a basis for more advanced work, the committee will propose more advanced courses in light and communications and two and three dimensional studios as well as long term expansion in environmental studies, the visiting artist program and television.
