
Varsity Icemen Trounce Tigers, 11-1; 'Local Line' Collects Fourteen Points

Harvard's hockey team tormented Princeton goalie Ed Swift last Saturday to show 2000 devout fans in Watson Rink why every year is next year for the Tigers from Old Nassau.

All four lines second for Harvard, but is was the trio of Dave Hynes, But Corkery and Bob McManama the Tigers to the delight of a bloodthirsty SRO crowd.

The "Local Line" notched seven of Harvard's first eight goals, with Hynes scoring fast times, Corkery twice and McMannama once. The three collected six, five and three points respectively.

Last night's performance moved Hynes into third place in Harvard corner scoring with a total of 137 points, one ahead of "Coach" Owen. MaManna advanced to the fifth slot with 124 points, passing Owen's teammates, Dan DeMichels.

The Crimson dominated play throughout all three periods, out-shooting Princeton 55-22. Harvard converted four out of five times on the power play and scored one shorthanded goal.


Hynes set Harvard on its way with a short-side goal only 55 seconds after the opening faceoff. In the next ten minutes referee Bob Barry banished Hynes to the box twice, and fans in section 18, vociferous even with the demise of the Stripper, called for Barry's replacement by official Giles Treadgold, who ales was in Hamilton, N.Y.

Hynes won his revenge however, with a shorthanded goal at 18:05, scoring from the left side on a high slapshot into the far corner, and Harvard held a 2-0 lead at the close of the first period.

Princeton narrowed the Crimson's lead to a goal at 3:29 of the second stanza, when Will Smart tipped the puck past goalie Joe Bertagna. Any Princeton hopes of a respectable showing were soon dashed, however, for Harvard tallied five times before the close of the period.

McMannama had Bob Goodenow combined for the most beautiful goal of the night at 8:12, when Al Stuover the Tigers' bespectacled starting defenssman, was sitting out a pass from the point along the ice to McMannama, who tipped the puck into he right corner from in front of the net.

Corkery scored five minutes into the period and again near its close, Hynes tallied on a breakaway, and Larry Desmond put in a pass from Ted Thorndike at 19:08 to give Harvard a 7-1 lead after two periods. Hynes, Thorndike, Randy Roth and Dave Gauthier each scored once in the final Hanza to make the winning margin 11-1.

Harvard remains first in Ivy standings, 4-1 in the Ivy League and 9-1 overall. Princeton, now 2-10 has yet to win a single Division I ECAC game.

The Crimson meets Northeastern tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Watson Rink. The Huskies have complied a 6-5 record, including a 3-2 win over Brown and a 4-2 loss to Pennsylevania. Earlier this season Harvard downed the Bruins, 5-1, and trounced the Quakers, 9-1.
