
J.V. Cagers Shine In Four Man Game

MEDFORD In hockey a team can play shorthanded But in basketball you're supposed to have five people on the floor at all times.

It didn't happen that way here last night.

The Crimson J.V. basketball team easily defeated Tufts' and they did it even though they only had four people on the Court during the last two minutes 36 seconds of the game.

Only six cagers made the long trek up, Massachusetts Avenue, so that when guard Rick Griffin and Center Jeff Wheat fouled out the Crimson found itself short one man.

In the second half coach Bob Hart slowed up the Crimson attack, and the game became almost a drill in basketball fundamentals for the powerful cagers.


"We limited them to one shot almost every time they came down the court," said center forward Mark Schultz. "It was never in doubt."
