
March Today

Editorial Notes

THE CRUCIAL military battle for Vietnam has been underway for a week, and as the reports come in, it is clear that the Nixon Administration hopes to preserve the Saigon government by a major increase in the use of American air power at the cost of thousands of lives and the further destruction of Vietnam. Nixon reasons that Americans won't protest the mechanized continuation of the war as long as only Vietnamese lives and the fate of the Vietnamese nation is at stake. Massive protest now can prove him wrong and limit his military options.

The People's Coalition for Peace and Justice has planned a mass march and rally today on the Boston Common to protest the escalation of the air war and the continued U.S. presence in Southeast Asia. The march will leave from Harvard Yard at 3:00 p.m., with the rally downtown at 5:00. Join the march. Like it or not, we are participants in the battle of the Vietnamese, and only we can stop the bombing.


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