
Graduate Student Union Demands Aid Guarantee

The Graduate Student and Teaching Fellow Union has added a fifth demand to the list which it presented to R. Victor Jones, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, last week.

The Union overwhelmingly approved a resolution at its meeting Wednesday night in Sanders Theater supporting a recommendation of a Faculty committee. The Wolff Committee's report urged that the University guarantee entering graduate students scholarship support for five years.

The resolution stated, "We demand, in accordance with the recommendations of the Wolff Committee that the University guarantee financial support for every graduate student for five years."

The Union had already demanded that the GSAS reverse its decision to cancel the Staff Tuition Scholarship program; that it rescind a tuition increase for third-year graduate students; and that the University recognize the Union as the sole bargaining agent for graduate students and teaching fellows.

The Union also demanded that the University make a full, detailed disclosure of its total operating budget.


The Union has received no response to its demands "either in written form or in oral form" since the Wednesday night meeting which passed a resolution calling a one-day work stoppage Tuesday, Mahmood Mamdani, a member of the Union steering committee, said yesterday.

Open Meeting

The Union has called an open meeting for all members of the University at 7:30 p.m. Monday night in Sanders Theater. "We consider it not a meeting to express the Union's position, but an opportunity for any concerned members of the University community to air their views on the issues raised by the Union," Mamdani said.

The Union--which now claims over 900 official members--is also organizing picketers to surround all classroom buildings on Tuesday during the work stoppage. Mamdani said that no University libraries would be picketed, however.

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