
Varsity Skaters Elect Hampe Captain

"Local Line" To Join National Team

Harvard's varsity hockey team has elected defenseman Kevin Hampe captain for next year's squad. The team also announced yesterday that Bill Corkery. Dave Hynes, and Bob McManama will play for the U.S. National team in the World Cup Tournament in Rumania, this month.

"We should be able to win the gold medal," Bob McManama said. "We need the medal to get the U.S. back into the Group A division. The only problem is that we're throwing the team together fairly fast."

The "Local Line" has played together for two years. Hynes has compiled 106 points, and is tied for seventh in career Harvard scoring with one season of play remaining. McManama led the team in goal scoring this year, while Corkery earned 40 points.

Snooks Kelley of Boston College is coaching the National team. Kelley retired from college hockey this year after compiling over 500 victories. His skaters are college students except for seven players from the Olympic team.

Joining the "Local Line" will be Toot Cahoon and possibly Don Brady from Boston University. Brady is currently recuperating from an ankle injury. Henry Boucha and Stu Irving from Dedham will also play.


The team will play eight games, competing against Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Japan. France, Austria, Norway, Poland, and Rumania.

While his teammates are in Rumania. Hampe will be taking a rest from hockey. His consistent play this season helped the Crimson to place first in the Ivy League and second in the East in defensive statistics. Hampe played with numerous injuries throughout the year.

The Dedham defenseman was freshman captain three years ago, when his team compiled a 20-1 record. He has played varsity for two years. Hampe hopes that next season the Crimson will be national champions. "It's kind of a winning tradition we've had here, and we'd like to keep it up," he said.

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